How to donate to SJF?

Donating to SJF supports our work as well as our grantees.

Online donations can be made to support our annual fund, specific giving projects, or special campaigns.

Checks can be made out and sent to:
Social Justice Fund NW, 1904 Third Ave, Suite 806, Seattle, WA 98101

Donations to Social Justice Fund NW are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Our federal tax identification number is 91-1036971. 

Go here to learn more about these other ways to contribute to SJF:

About Social Justice Fund NW

Social Justice Fund NW is a foundation working at the frontlines of social change. We leverage the resources of our members to foster significant, long-term social justice solutions throughout  Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming.

How does SJF make change?

Social Justice Fund NW is a foundation working at the frontlines of social change. We leverage the resources of our members to foster significant, long-term social justice solutions throughout  Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming.

For the last three decades, our members have been delivering profound social change by investing in grantees that address root causes of injustice. Our members build community and make grants through Giving Projects, helping create a new, more engaged culture of social justice philanthropists.

As a member-funded and member-driven

foundation, Social Justice Fund relies on the support of our community to achieve our mission. Our supporters are critical allies in our efforts to catalyze long-term, progressive social change.

Who does SJF fund?

Social Justice Fund Northwest supports organizations that are community based and that use community organizing to achieve their goals. Our grantees are led by people from the communities most impacted by injustice and inequality.

We focus our funding on organizations that:

• Bring together exploited or oppressed people to change systems or institutions that affect their lives and communities through grassroots mobilization and actions that demonstrate collective power.

• Build a base of people who share a common understanding of the problems they face as well as a shared strategy to mobilize this base to take effective actions.

• Develop leadership from and relationships among members of this base.

Why donate to Social Justice Fund NW?
  • Your donation is pooled and leveraged to achieve a greater community benefit.
  • We invest in activists and organizers dedicated to permanently ending inequality.
  • Our grantees are led by people from the communities most impacted by injustice.
  • Unlike most foundations, we’re willing to grant organizations the resources required for day-to-day operations.
  • Your contribution opens the door for dozens of others to become donor activists.
  • Your gift is multiplied by 150: for every $1 we grant, our grantees are able to gain $150 in more housing, health-care, increases in minimum wage, and other tangible resources for their communities (NCRP, 2010).
Membership with Social Justice Fund NW

Being a member of SJF means knowing that you are part of a growing movement for long-term, progressive social change

Our diverse members are united by a desire to catalyze long-term progressive social change and bring new energy to progressive movements. Ours is a learning community that inspires new perspectives on and solutions to issues of equity and social justice.

We are making a difference not only in our region, but in the world of philanthropy in general. People are paying attention to the way we build community, develop leaders, and move serious money to address root causes of social justice issues. With your support, we truly are building progressive power through donor activism.

Membership also gives you access to workshops on giving, racial justice, fundraising, and other relevant issues. We lead these workshops to help members of our community further develop their analysis of social justice issues, build their capacity and awareness as a social change agents and proponents of social justice values.

Membership is currently set at $240 a year, or whatever is meaningful to you. For gifts that are smaller than $240 per year, donors are asked to “opt in” to membership, so that we are able to discern one-time contributions from membership gifts. All members are encouraged to give at a level that is meaningful, whether that means an annual contribution of $50 or $50,000.

Grantee Impact

Jose Vazquez

2018 Immigration Justice Giving Project
As an undocumented individual who received the opportunity to join the professional workforce thanks to DACA, I wanted to be part of the solution to address...
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Sanne Stienstra

Portland Economic Justice Giving Project
Social Justice Fund NW provided me with an opportunity, as a white cisgendered person, to play a role in the movement that felt appropriate and fulfilling...
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Callie Lambarth

Economic Justice Giving Project 2017-2018
The entire Giving Project process was an incredibly powerful experience. One of the most meaningful takeaways for me was being able to engage with the discomfort...
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Margaret Weihs

2015 Next Generation Giving Project
In addition to expanding my personal analysis of race and class, the giving project positively challenged my understanding of how social change happens. I came into...
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Tracy Gagnon

Economic Justice Giving Project 2017-2018
Joining a Giving Project was a way for me to take action after the haze of the election. I wanted to be a part of the...
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